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Understanding Why You May Have Pockets in Your Gums

Posted on February 21, 2024

Understanding Why You May Have Pockets in Your Gums

Gum pockets are not just a minor inconvenience; they are a significant risk factor for advanced periodontal diseases, signaling the need for immediate attention from a periodontist in Oshawa. These pockets, formed between the teeth and gums, become breeding grounds for bacteria, leading to inflammation, infection, and ultimately, the destruction of the supporting structures of the teeth. Without timely intervention, such as periodontal surgery and hygiene treatments, these conditions can result in tooth loss and other serious health complications. If you notice the signs of these gum pockets, it’s important to consult with an experienced periodontist like Dr. Adam Ohayon. At The Perio Centre, our team offers high-level care and tailored treatments designed to preserve, protect, and restore your gum health such as periodontal flap surgery. 

For more insight into what is causing conditions like gum pockets, read on.

Periodontal or Gum Disease

As gum disease progresses and plaque builds up and hardens, tartar accumulates on the surface of the tooth pushing gum away from the base of the teeth. Without intervention from a professional periodontist in Oshawa, this process creates a space between the tooth and the gum, leaving enough space for bacteria to become trapped and fester into harmful infections. 
Understanding what causes these pockets can help prevent the progression and development of gum disease and the side effects of deep gum pockets. If you notice these signs and are affected by these common causes, book a consultation with Dr. Adam Ohayon and The Perio Centre team. 

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene is the leading cause of gum pockets. When teeth are not properly brushed and flossed, plaque builds up along the gumline. Over time, plaque hardens into tartar, which can only be removed by a dental professional. The bacteria in plaque and tartar can cause the gums to become inflamed, leading to the development of pockets.

Smoking and Tobacco Use

Smoking and the use of tobacco products significantly increase the risk of gum disease. Tobacco use can affect the normal function of gum tissue cells, making your mouth more vulnerable to infections, including periodontal disease, and can lead to the formation of gum pockets.


Genetics may play a role in the susceptibility to gum disease. Some individuals are genetically predisposed to gum disease, meaning they can be more likely to develop gum pockets even if they maintain good oral hygiene practices.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes, particularly in women, can make gums more sensitive and more susceptible to gum disease. Pregnancy, menopause, puberty, and menstruation can temporarily increase the risk of developing gum pockets due to changes in hormonal levels.


Certain medications can affect oral health by reducing saliva flow, which has a protective effect on the mouth. Without enough saliva, the mouth is more susceptible to infections such as gum disease, which can lead to gum pockets. Some medications can also cause abnormal growth of gum tissue, making it easier for pockets to form.

Poor Nutrition

When a diet lacks essential nutrients it can interfere with the body’s immune system and reduce its ability to fight off infections, including periodontal infections that lead to gum pockets. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports gum health and helps prevent gum disease.

Underlying Health Conditions

Certain health conditions, such as diabetes, can affect the gums. Diabetic patients are at a higher risk of developing infections, including gum disease, which can lead to the formation of gum pockets. Other conditions that affect the immune system can also increase the risk of periodontal disease.

Protect Your Teeth with Periodontal Flap Surgery at The Perio Centre

Periodontal flap surgery is a procedure performed by experienced periodontists. The purpose is to save the teeth. Because deep gum pockets and periodontitis (gum disease) can minimize the security of the tooth itself, there is an increased risk of tooth loss. During periodontal flap surgery, your periodontist will gain access to the roots of the teeth and the underlying bone affected by periodontal disease. By doing so, they can remove tartar and affected tissue from deep pockets and perform necessary bone reshaping or regeneration procedures. This process helps in reducing pocket depth and aids in the healing of gum tissues and the surrounding anatomy. With proper care, follow-ups appointments, and consistent dental hygiene, you can preserve your teeth and smile with The Perio Centre. 

Find out if periodontal flap surgery is right for you.


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